Tuesday Night Leagues
4 Man Team Match Play League
- Shotgun start is at 5:00 PM, beginning Tuesday April 12th
- Limited to 16 teams
- Teams from 2021 have first chance to join
- Entry fee for Walkers is $20 per person plus $39 greens fees, = $59
- Entry fee for Riders is $20 per person, $39 Green Fees, + $11.00 Cart fee, Total = $70
- Cost covers closest to the pin and end of year prizes
- Begins April 12th 2022
Wednesday Night Leagues
2 Man Match Play League
- Shotgun start is at 5:30 PM, beginning Wednesday, April 13th *** The first few weeks will have a start time of 5:00 PM
- Limited to 32 teams
- Teams from 2021 have first chance to join
- Entry fee for Walkers is $20, $45 Greens Fees, Total = $65
- Entry fee for Riders is $20, $45 Greens Fees, $11 Cart fee,Total = $76
- Begins April 12th
Thursday Night Leagues
2 Person Best Ball League, Ladies and couples are encouraged
- Shotgun start is at 5:30 PM, beginning Thursday, April 14th
- Limited to 64 teams
- Teams from 2021 have first chance to join
- Entry fee for Walkers is $20, $60 Greens Fees, Total = $800
- Entry fee for Riders is $20, $60 Greens Fees, $18 Cart fee,Total = $98
- Begins April 14th 2022
Call 410-374-1500 to have your team join Oakmont’s Leagues